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Parameter Definitions

anynul   - set to TRUE (=1) if any returned values are undefined, else FALSE
array    - array of numerical data values to read or write
ascii    - encoded checksum string
bitpix   - bits per pixel. The following symbolic mnemonics are predefined:
               BYTE_IMG   =   8 (unsigned char)
               SHORT_IMG  =  16 (signed short integer)
               LONG_IMG   =  32 (signed long integer)
               FLOAT_IMG  = -32 (float)
               DOUBLE_IMG = -64 (double).
           Two additional values, USHORT_IMG and ULONG_IMG are also available
           for creating unsigned integer images.  These are equivalent to
           creating a signed integer image with BZERO offset keyword values
           of 32768 or 2147483648, respectively, which is the convention that
           FITS uses to store unsigned integers.
card     - header record to be read or written (80 char max, null-terminated)
casesen  - TRUE (=1) to force case-sensitive string matching, else FALSE (=0)
chduaddr - starting address (in bytes) of the CHDU
colname  - name of the column (null-terminated)
colnum   - column number (first column = 1)
comment  - the keyword comment field (72 char max, null-terminated)
complm   - should the checksum be complemented?
coordtype- type of coordinate projection (-SIN, -TAN, -ARC, -NCP,
           -GLS, -MER, or -AIT)
dataok   - was the data unit verification successful (=1) or
           not (= -1).  Equals zero if the DATASUM keyword is not present.
datasum  - 32-bit 1's complement checksum for the data unit
datatype - specifies the datatype of the value.  Allowed value are:
decimals - number of decimal places to be displayed
delta_size - increment for allocating more memory
dim1     - declared size of the first dimension of the image or cube array
dim2     - declared size of the second dimension of the data cube array
dtype    - datatype of the keyword ('C', 'L', 'I',  or 'F')
                C = character string
                L = logical
                I = integer
                F = floating point number
err_msg  - error message on the internal stack (80 chars max)
err_text - error message string corresponding to error number (30 chars max)
exact    - TRUE (=1) if the strings match exactly;
           FALSE (=0) if wildcards are used
exclist  - array of pointers to keyword names to be excluded from search
extend   - TRUE (=1) if FITS file may have extensions, else FALSE (=0)
extname  - value of the EXTNAME keyword (null-terminated)
filename - name of the FITS file (null-terminated)
firstchar- starting byte in the row (first byte of row = 1)
firstelem- first element in a vector (ignored for ASCII tables)
firstrow - starting row number (first row of table = 1)
fpixels  - the first included pixel in each dimension (first pixel = 1)
fptr     - pointer to a 'fitsfile' structure describing the FITS file.
frac     - factional part of the keyword value
gcount   - number of groups in the primary array (usually = 1)
group    - data group number (=0 for non-grouped data)
hdunum   - sequence number of the HDU (Primary array = 1)
hduok    - was the HDU verification successful (=1) or
           not (= -1).  Equals zero if the CHECKSUM keyword is not present.
hdusum   - 32 bit 1's complement checksum for the entire CHDU
hdutype  - type of HDU: HDU_IMAGE (=0), HDU_ATABLE (=1), or HDU_BTABLE (=2)
history  - the HISTORY keyword comment string (70 char max, null-terminated)
inc      - sampling interval for pixels in each FITS dimension
inclist  - array of pointers to matching keyword names
infptr   - pointer to a 'fitsfile' structure describing the input FITS file.
intval   - integer part of the keyword value
iomode   - file access mode: either READONLY (=0) or READWRITE (=1)
keyname  - name of a keyword (8 char max, null-terminated)
keynum   - position of keyword in header (1st keyword = 1)
keyroot  - root string for the keyword name (5 char max, null-terminated)
keysexist- number of existing keyword records in the CHU
keytype  - header record type: -1=delete;  0=append or replace;
                   1=append; 2=this is the END keyword
longstr  - arbitrarily long string keyword value (null-terminated)
lpixels  - the last included pixel in each dimension (first pixel = 1)
match    - TRUE (=1) if the 2 strings match, else FALSE (=0)
maxdim   - maximum number of values to return
memptr   - pointer to the a FITS file in memory
mem_realloc - pointer to a function for reallocating more memory
mem_size - size of the memory block allocated for the FITS file
morekeys - space in the header for this many more keywords
naxes    - size of each dimension in the FITS array
naxis    - number of dimensions in the FITS array
naxis1   - length of the X/first axis of the FITS array
naxis2   - length of the Y/second axis of the FITS array
naxis3   - length of the Z/third axis of the FITS array
nchars   - number of characters to read or write
nelements- number of data elements to read or write
nexc     - number of names in the exclusion list (may = 0)
nextaddr - starting address (in bytes) of the HDU following the CHDU
nfound   - number of keywords found (highest keyword number)
nkeys    - number of keywords in the sequence
ninc     - number of names in the inclusion list
nmove    - number of HDUs to move (+ or -), relative to current position
nrows    - number of rows in the table
nstart   - first integer value
nularray - set to TRUE (=1) if corresponding data element is undefined
nulval   - numerical value to represent undefined pixels
nulstr   - character string used to represent undefined values in ASCII table
numval   - numerical data value, of the appropriate datatype
offset   -  byte offset in the heap to the first element of the vector
outfptr  - pointer to a 'fitsfile' structure describing the output FITS file.
pcount   - value of the PCOUNT keyword = size of binary table heap
repeat   - length of column vector (e.g. 12J); == 1 for ASCII table
rot      -  celestial coordinate rotation angle (degrees)
rowlen   - length of a table row, in characters or bytes
rownum   - number of the row (first row = 1)
scale    - linear scaling factor; true value = (FITS value) * scale + zero
simple   - TRUE (=1) if FITS file conforms to the Standard, else FALSE (=0)
space    - number of blank spaces to leave between ASCII table columns
status   - returned error status code (0 = OK)
sum      - 32 bit unsigned checksum value
tbcol    - byte position in row to start of column (1st col has tbcol = 1)
tdisp    - Fortran style display format for the table column
templt   - template string used in comparison (null-terminated)
tfields  - number of fields (columns) in the table
tform    - format of the column (null-terminated); allowed values are:
           ASCII tables:  Iw, Aw, Fww.dd, Eww.dd, or Dww.dd
           Binary tables: rL, rX, rB, rI, rJ, rA, rAw, rE, rD, rC, rM
           where 'w'=width of the field, 'd'=no. of decimals, 'r'=repeat count.
           When creating a binary table, 2 addition tform values are allowed:
           rU and rV for unsigned 16-bit and unsigned 32-bit integer, respectively.
theap    - zero indexed byte offset of starting address of the heap
           relative to the beginning of the binary table data
ttype    - label or name for table column (null-terminated)
tunit    - physical unit for table column (null-terminated)
typechar - symbolic code of the table column datatype
typecode - datatype code of the table column.  The negative of
           the value indicates a variable length array column.
                Datatype             typecode    Mnemonic
                bit, X                   1        TBIT
                byte, B                 11        TBYTE
                logical, L              14        TLOGICAL
                ASCII character, A      16        TSTRING
                short integer, I        21        TSHORT
                integer, J              41        TLONG
                real, E                 42        TFLOAT
                double precision, D     82        TDOUBLE
                complex, C              83        TCOMPLEX
                double complex, M      163        TDBLCOMPLEX
unit     - the physical unit string (e.g., 'km/s') for a keyword
value    - the keyword value string (70 char max, null-terminated)
version  - current version number of the CFITSIO library
width    - width of the character string field
xcol     - number of the column containing the X coordinate values
xinc     - X axis coordinate increment at reference pixel (deg)
xpix     - X axis pixel location
xpos     - X axis celestial coordinate (usually RA) (deg)
xrefpix  - X axis reference pixel array location
xrefval  - X axis coordinate value at the reference pixel (deg)
ycol     - number of the column containing the X coordinate values
yinc     - Y axis coordinate increment at reference pixel (deg)
ypix     - y axis pixel location
ypos     - y axis celestial coordinate (usually DEC) (deg)
yrefpix  - Y axis reference pixel array location
yrefval  - Y axis coordinate value at the reference pixel (deg)
zero     - scaling offset; true value = (FITS value) * scale + zero